There are many ways to promote a brand or its products. One of the most widespread and effective ispoint-of-sale promotion, which offers the opportunity to get up close and personal with the customer and see the immediate effects of your actions. There are several types ofsales animation, the choice of which depends on the target and the brand's objective. Here are a few tips on how to create an effective point-of-sale event.
What does point-of-sale animation involve?
To ensure the success of a point-of-sale event, it's essential to draw up a clear action plan based on the form it is to take. This naturally makes it easier to target the type of event that best meets the brand's objectives.
Point-of-sale promotions are promotional events held directly at the point of purchase. The most widespread form is the supermarket shelf animation, for example. Free tastings or product sample tests in supermarkets are an often-exploited form of promotion, designed to introduce and promote a product directly at the point of sale, with the aim of boosting a company's sales in a variety of ways:
- Improving brand image;
- The spotlight on a new brand;
- Promoting a new product;
- Re-launching a product after a drop in sales.
This type of strategy marketing relies heavily on personal perception and the power of word-of-mouth. Customers who have tested a product free of charge and whose experience has been satisfactory are more inclined to promote it to their friends and family.
Why invest in sales promotion?
Point-of-sale events are of great interest to both new and established companies. They are an effective operation for any brand wishing to make a positive impact on its sales.
For example, these actionsoptimize in-store traffic. Indeed, the presence of an on-site stand automatically improves the visibility of the brand or product with customers, and thus maximizes its chances of selling. The whole strategy of the operation lies in installing the animation directly at the point of sale, as close as possible to the act of purchase, since the majority of customers make their decisions on the spot. This type of animation therefore represents a powerful promotional action whose results are immediately visible.
Point-of-sale events also have the advantage of providing an initial view of how customers behave towards a brand or product. In fact, if the event is not a success, with sales falling short of initial expectations, it is not a failure, since it provides a concrete idea of how customers behave towards the product. All the company has to do then is adapt its next promotional operations or redirect its sales strategy.
Whatever the results achieved,point-of-sale animation is an effective way of boosting sales without committing considerable resources, as well as representing a genuine channel of direct communication between the brand and its customers or prospects.
Setting up a point-of-sale event: the prerequisites
To make a success of your point-of-sale animation, you need to consider 3 main aspects.
The target and its needs
Naturally, the first thing you need to know is your target audience: who are you addressing? Are you aiming for prospects? Or would you prefer to solicit the attention of people who are already brand customers? Depending on the answer, the operation can take different forms. It's a question of adapting the campaign to the target and its specific needs. The average generation or age range of the target clientele is an important aspect to take into account when determining the most appropriate type of animation to set up.
The objectives of the operation
Before embarking on the organization of a point-of-sale animation, take the time to precisely define the objectives of this operation marketing. Do you want to introduce your audience to new products, promote a special offer or simply attract new customers? You could also be aiming to retain the loyalty of existing customers, or revive the success of a product that's losing ground. All these objectives call for very different strategies.
Choosing the right time and place
Point-of-sale animation is a crucial step that can make all the difference to your business. The secret to successful point-of-sale promotion? The right timing and the right location! The results of such an operation on your sales dynamics can be multiplied tenfold if the location and period of action are carefully chosen, according to the clientele and footfall in the stores.
Methods for animating your points of sale
Point-of-sale promotion can take many forms, with methods varying according to the objectives of the promotion, the nature of the brand, its values, what it sells and to whom.
Tasting sessions
Often seen in supermarkets, point-of-sale tastings are always a huge success. They are particularly effective when set up in the aisle where the food on offer is sold directly. Not only do they motivate customers to buy, but they also provide them with an initial contact experience with the brand.
Gaming remains a powerful vector of customer interest. It is therefore an invaluable tool for promoting a brand and improving its image with customers. This is the primary objective ofsales promotion in the form of a game-contest, which can also boost product sales by, for example, increasing the chances of winning according to the quantity of products purchased.
Product discovery workshops
Quite similar to a tasting, this promotional operation is not limited to foodstuffs, however, and generally offers a wide range of products to be freely tried. Giving customers a choice and providing them with an overview of the brand through a hands-on experience remains an excellent way of boosting sales.
Interactive digital signage
In the age of digital and connected stores, the use of digital and interactive devices is always a judicious solution for standing out, arousing interest and boosting sales potential. Display advertising is a particularly effective solution for both promotional and informational purposes, and can be customized endlessly to match your brand's identity and values.
The Cenareo solution and its interactive digital signage screens are the ideal way to set up a modern, original and results-driven point-of-sale event. This kind of point-of-sale device maximizes your communication performance by engaging your audience in a more relevant and effective way, while promoting an excellent return on investment.
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