The CSR approach represents a major avenue for development. A commitment to CSR is strategic for companies concerned with their long-term viability and attractiveness. By making CSR and well-being at work an integral part of their overall policy, they benefit from an economically buoyant model that contributes to growth and employee commitment, while demonstrating their ethical commitment. Find out how CSR policies contribute to a company's competitiveness.
What is CSR?
CSR is the acronym for Corporate Social Responsibility, a voluntary approach integrated into a company's overall strategy, designed to meet the challenges of sustainable development. To this end, companies choose to take into consideration the impact of their activities on the environment and on society, to make it as positive as possible while remaining competitive. The corporate CSR approach therefore encompasses all the social, environmental and economic measures that an entity can put in place to adopt behavior that contributes to the well-being of employees and the planet.
The pillars of CSR
CSR policies are based on three concepts:
- Economic: the company must satisfy its customers by ensuring the quality of its products and services. It is committed to supporting and considering its suppliers and service providers. It must also be totally transparent with investors;
- Social: the company must set an example, respect labor laws and guarantee employee safety. It is responsible for training its staff, reinforcing equal opportunities and promoting diversity and inclusiveness in its teams;
- Environmental: the company must strive to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and waste. Its consumption of natural resources must remain rational, responsible and sustainable.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria have been defined to provide guidance for companies committed to CSR. They address the three CSR pillars and serve as indicators for monitoring the integration of sustainable development into CSR policies.
Environmental criteria take into account the direct or indirect impact of the company's activity on the environment (waste management, greenhouse gas emissions, etc.). The social criterion considers the impact of the company's activity on its stakeholders - employees, customers and partners (respect for employees' rights, social dialogue between all employees and partners, etc.). Finally, the governance criterion ensures that the company is managed, administered and controlled in accordance with the law (independence of the board of directors, fight against corruption, etc.).
The ISO 26000 standard
The ISO 26000 standard brings together guidelines on social responsibility for all companies, whatever their size or sector of activity. The mission of this standard from the International Organization for Standardization is to encourage and support organizations in their sustainable development efforts. It is structured around 7 themes and objectives:
- organizational governance
- human rights
- working relations and conditions
- the environment
- fair practices
- consumer issues
- communities and local development
The challenges and benefits of a CSR approach
In addition to representing a concrete corporate response to the challenges of sustainable development, the CSR approach applied to the company is a management tool with a verified impact on its health.
Improve your overall performance
The CSR approach is a genuine policy that integrates the company's global strategy. It forces us to question our actions, our use of resources and our impact on the environment. CSR and well-being in the workplace are two closely linked concepts: employees who are listened to, supported and fulfilled will prove happier and more productive. Both improve performance and corporate culture, and optimize processes for better results.
Enhancing its appeal
Companies committed to CSR become more attractive and transparent: they recruit more easily, build customer loyalty and forge healthy partnerships with suppliers and investors. They have every interest in integrating CSR and well-being at work into their strategy, in order to meet high social and environmental standards. Increasingly, companies are having to prove their CSR actions with convincing indicators, particularly in response to calls for tender. Consumers are also becoming more sensitive to the operations they carry out to minimize their impact on the planet. According to a study conducted in 2019 by Bpifrance, PwC and ORSE, "over 70% of suppliers surveyed are regularly approached by their customers on CSR issues".
Engaging employees
Engaging employees depends on a company's ability to create a climate conducive to personal fulfillment. Confident employees, with a clear vision of their objectives, will find meaning in their work and project themselves more easily. In this sense, the CSR approach federates the company around positive values and encourages employee commitment. Medef's 2021 CSR perception barometer shows that 75% of employees in companies with CSR policies believe that they have a positive impact on society, compared with 44% of those in companies without such policies. 82% of employees still see themselves working for a company with CSR policies in 3 years' time, compared with 68% of others. CSR policies contribute to the sustainability of the company and the involvement of its teams, for greater productivity and well-being at work.
Attracting talent
Today, companies are faced with the challenge of attracting young talent, who are very attentive to their commitments. This generation in search of meaning wants to identify the raison d'être of their work and its impact. They are looking for structures that question corporate social responsibility, because their values impact not only their decisions, but also the working environment. A company focused on CSR and well-being in the workplace is more productive, more fulfilled and more committed to its employees. CSR policies bind teams together and boost competitiveness, enabling companies to stand out from the crowd and grow faster.
How do you build your CSR approach?
The CSR approach offers the company opportunities for development, while guaranteeing a more positive impact of its actions on the economic, social and environmental levels.
Identify stakeholders
The CSR approach concerns all an organization's internal and external stakeholders. To this end, all structures linked to the company's activities must be affiliated to the approach. Internally, the integration of a CSR manager remains relevant for defining, steering and measuring the effectiveness of theCSR action plan.
Performing an audit
An audit is essential to understand where the company currently stands. It highlights the challenges facing the company, as well as its development opportunities. By examining the company's practices, aCSR action plan can be drawn up, based on an assessment of whether or not the various ESG criteria have been taken into account.
Draw up an action plan and set indicators
Deploying a CSR approach within a company requires a steering system: the commitments to be monitored and their implementation are assessed by defining and measuring economic, social and environmental performance indicators.
Communicating your CSR approach
The implementation of a CSR approach within a company is a subject that needs to be integrated into the entity's communication actions. Speaking out about your approach gives it credibility and enhances its value, both internally and externally. It requires adapting the information to the target and the channels the company wishes to mobilize. Communication based on figures and concrete actions will carry weight with professional audiences, notably through the publication of a white paper or aCSR action report. For consumers, the tone needs to be lighter and more welcoming, to gain impact on social networks or via a newsletter. In both cases, it's important to be clear about your vision in order to develop a relevant message.
Unfortunately, CSR policies are rarely promoted internally, in favor of communication that is almost exclusively external. And yet, such communication has an impact on employee commitment and increases well-being in the workplace. The Cenareo digital signage solution enables you to manage the distribution of multimedia content on the screens deployed internally. Relay your Instagram or Facebook publications within the corporate space thanks to the social network feed associated with digital signage. In a simplified, automated and centralized way, these communications benefit employees, who are better informed and more involved in the CSR approach. Cenareo and its internal communications software increases the reach and commitment of its publications, and participates in the involvement of all employees around CSR and well-being at work.
Examples of innovative CSR initiatives
Many companies are committed to a CSR approach in order to meet the challenges of sustainable development. In addition to deploying strong CSR policies, they communicate extensively to unite their audiences around them and their values.
CSR at Shine
Freelance neobank Shine is committed to building the most responsible bank in the world. Corporate social responsibility is one of the pillars of this commitment, and Shine has implemented concrete measures for its customers and employees. To promote equal working conditions, Shine has published its salary scale. It guarantees a fair level of remuneration for each profession, and absolute fairness and transparency.
CSR at Nature & Découvertes
Nature et Découvertes offers products segmented around well-being and nature. The company has set up a number of initiatives to provide a concrete response to CSR and well-being in the workplace. The cost of maintaining employees' bicycles is covered to encourage soft mobility, while its service providers are invited on educational trips to learn about exemplary ecological construction practices. Internally, over 4,000 workshops are made available to employees free of charge or at reduced rates, with the aim of raising awareness of the company's values.
CSR at Nespresso
Nespresso is committed to preserving the environment, with one objective: to offer 100% carbon-neutral coffee. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint as much as possible, by minimizing the energy consumption of its machines, deploying LED lighting systems in its boutiques and introducing a recycling system for used capsules. With over 25,000 tonnes of capsules recycled since 2009, the company has adopted a CSR-oriented communication strategy to support its image as a committed brand.
AXA, the insurance group, has distinguished itself for its socially committed CSR actions. It has created the AXA Atout Cœur association, to mobilize its in-house employees around solidarity actions. Together, they fight exclusion and work to protect the environment. With the Le Refuge Foundation, AXA is committed to protecting young LGBT victims of homophobia and transphobia.
Given the climate and social context in which we are evolving, and everyone's interest in issues linked to sustainable development, the deployment of a sustainable and responsible CSR approach within the company has become a real priority today. Employee commitment is a real result of the CSR actions undertaken and communicated within a structure, and a way of improving your company's overall performance and ensuring its long-term viability. To achieve this, the Cenareo solution goes beyond the functions of a digital signage software and plays an active role in CSR initiatives by facilitating communications. Share your commitments with your employees, for customized, impactful and unifying internal communications. Unite your teams around strong values and raise awareness of your actions. Cenareo offers an innovative tool for integrating your employees into the challenges of CSR and well-being in the workplace.